As the first week of the new school year closes, some children and parents may begin to feel a little anxious about what the new academic year has in store. This can be for a number of reasons. The list below includes some of those reasons and explains how we can support you and your child.
✏️If your child is struggling or indeed not being challenged enough, we can support them with either 1:1 or 1:4 tuition tailored to meet their individual needs. We will also support you, as a parent, in supporting your child through difficult times in their education. We have limited tuition slots available at this point in time.
✏️If you are considering the 11+ Entrance Exams for your year 4 or 5 child and are confused or just don’t know what the process looks like; then please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to advise you free of charge.
✏️If you are a parent who is now facing the important process of choosing a PRIMARY or SECONDARY school for your child(ren), we are again more than happy to advise. Our founding director has substantial experience of completing many joint lesson observations with OFSTED inspectors, throughout her career. Her experience as an Assistant headteacher included in depth analysis of OFSTED reports verses ‘reality’.
Please feel free to contact us by email, telephone or messenger, if we can support you with any of the above.
….and last but certainly not least of all, we wish you and your child(ren) all the best of wishes for the new academic year. Good luck!